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Common law marriage is a myth in England and Wales. As a result of this common misconception, cohabitees can find themselves in financial difficulty if their relationship breaks down. Couples who live together are not able to make the same financial claims as those who marry or have a civil partnership.

The Cohabitation Rights Bill is designed to provide certainty for cohabitees, on separation and death, by allowing them to make financial claims like those which can be made by married couples and civil partners. However, this proposed reform is currently low on the political agenda.

Our cohabitation services

Cohabitation disputes

Unless cohabitees have a child and the ability to make claims for the benefit of that child (see Financial Provision for Children), their financial claims are limited to property and determined by reference to property and trust laws.

Financial disputes between cohabiting couples are usually determined by reference to the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (often referred to as TLATA or TOLATA proceedings).

It is generally the case that cohabitees have no interest in a property held in the sole name of the other, and have an equal beneficial interest in a property held in joint names, unless there is express agreement or evidence of a common intention between them for the beneficial interest to be held otherwise.

If there is a dispute about ownership of a property, the burden of proof is on the party who seeks to show that the beneficial interest differs from the legal interest in the property. For example, where one party claims to have a beneficial interest in a property which is held legally in the sole name of the other by virtue of a financial contribution to the property.

All unmarried couples who plan to purchase a property and live together should seek advice from a specialist family lawyer, whether the property is to be acquired by them jointly, in equal or unequal shares, or by only one party, with or without a contribution by the other, to ensure that they are appropriately and adequately protected if the relationship breaks down, or their partner dies.

Cohabitation agreements

Parties who live together, as a couple or otherwise, can record in a cohabitation agreement (otherwise known as a living together agreement) their rights and responsibilities in relation to the property, as well as other financial arrangements between them, during their cohabitation and if they decide that they no longer wish to live together.

A cohabitation agreement can also be used to record ownership of personal property, such as cars and household contents, which may be used by both parties when they live together but are to be retained by the legal owner if their relationship comes to an end.

A well-drafted cohabitation agreement can avoid disputes and the potential for lengthy and expensive litigation at the end of a cohabiting relationship.

Declaration of trust

Unmarried parties who intend to purchase a property together or to contribute financially to a property held in the sole name of the other should seek advice from family and property lawyers about holding the property as joint tenants, as tenants in common in equal or unequal shares, or as a sole owner for their sole or joint benefit. If parties agree to hold the property other than as joint tenants, they should also execute a declaration of trust or legal charge to record their respective interests in the property.

Why choose Sheridans for cohabitation agreements and disputes?

The law relating to cohabitation, property ownership and the sale or transfer of a jointly occupied property is complex, so parties should seek legal advice before moving in together.

Our expert family team is regularly instructed to advise cohabiting clients on the funding and acquisition of properties, to draft or review cohabitation agreements, and to advise on their legal rights and obligations for themselves and the benefit of any children of the relationship if their relationship breaks down.

We also work with Sheridans’ property lawyers, who deal with property sales, purchases and mortgages, declarations of trust and legal charges, to provide a comprehensive legal service for cohabitees.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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Divorce, Dissolution, Separation and Nullity
A relationship breakdown that ends in divorce or dissolution can be a challenging and emotional subject to discuss, whether for personal, religious or cultural reasons.
Matrimonial Finances
One of the more complex areas of family law is financial provision following divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership.
Our expert family team deals with the full range of agreements, including pre and post-nuptial agreements, pre and post-civil partnership agreements, living together, separation and settlement agreements.
International Family Law
Many of our cases cross jurisdictions and involve conflicts of law and cross-border disputes. We regularly advise clients on international issues arising in cases involving finances, agreements and arrangements for children and seek advice from our international network of family lawyers on the application of foreign law.
Enforcement of court orders
Our highly skilled family team assists clients by taking action to enforce court orders in circumstances where there has been a breach.
Child arrangements
We assist our clients in all aspects of private children law, and guide them through, what can often be a very emotional and challenging time.
Financial provision for children
Our specialist family team advises on the full range of financial provision which can be made for the benefit of children of married and unmarried couples, pursuant to the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 and Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 (known as Schedule 1).
Our specialist family team has a wealth of experience, and supports clients through private adoption with care and compassion.
Surrogacy and parental orders
Surrogacy is one of a range of assisted conception options for people who are unable to conceive or carry a child themselves.
Protective Measures and Injunctions
Abuse and violence within any family is a matter that our expert team handles with utmost care and sensitivity.
Alternative dispute resolution
Litigating in the family court should be a last resort, but there are cases in which an application is necessary, and court proceedings cannot be avoided. The members of our expert team are highly experienced strategists and litigators, should any family matter reach this point.
Divorce, Dissolution, Separation and Nullity
Matrimonial Finances
International Family Law
Enforcement of court orders
Child arrangements
Financial provision for children
Surrogacy and parental orders
Protective Measures and Injunctions
Alternative dispute resolution

Meet the team

Sheridans has a specialist family team which provides advice in all aspects of family law, within a leading media, entertainment and technology law firm. We understand our clients’ needs for discretion, personal and bespoke advice in order to manage highly sensitive family cases.


‘I found the quality of service outstanding. All of the individuals I encountered were extremely impressive – very on the ball legally and extremely responsive.’

‘Sheridans provides brilliant and balanced advice. It handles its cases with an effortless efficiency and there is an air of reassuring quality when dealing with the firm.’

‘Sheridans has a wealth of experience in all aspects of private family law. It routinely acts for high-net-worth and high-profile individuals such as actors, sports stars and elite athletes, and there is often a significant international dimension to its work.’

‘Nothing is too much hassle, and everything is done promptly. Experienced, thoughtful and professional.’

‘The children/private law practice is first class – they show a real commitment to their clients and are able, with considerable expertise and an excellent knowledge base, to offer the type of service clients need. They offer realistic advice and then drive and persevere to pursue their case.’

‘The team provides a very personal and joined up experience across their different practice areas.’

‘Professional and knowledgeable. Very helpful and concentrates on what is absolutely needed.’

‘The team is well-placed to advise those who are susceptible to press exposure.’

‘The group’s particular expertise lies in advising wealthy individuals on issues such as matrimonial finance and private law children matters frequently with an international dimension.’


Sheridans is a leading media and technology law firm whose lawyers combine in-depth legal and commercial knowledge with breadth of expertise and experience to give unparalleled advice to their clients.